Talking together about what Jesus Christ did for us at the Cross of Calvary. We have so much more than religion, we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and His death upon the Cross; to save us from our sins.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

We wish to thank all who have fought and are fighting to keep America free. We honor those who paid the supreme price and gave their lives for all of us.
We also honor our Lord Jesus Christ who freed us all from the terrible weight of sin if we will receive Him.
Freedom has never been free and may God help us to always remember that.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Please be sure to visit Angie's new blog which is linked to the left on this cross talk blog. 
You will be blessed by the insight God has given her on the word.
We pray that each of our sites will be a blessing to you and your friends and family.
Don't forget to watch the Len Paxton teaching series Telecast, as seen on TCTV-2 on our pod-cast page at
At this time, there are 13 programs available on line.  We believe that you will be blessed.
  To get to Angies blog, go to
May God richly bless you.  

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Brother Len's new booklet on prayer is now in stock here at the ministry. Please feel free to write or e-mail us as to how  you can obtain your copy[s] today.

This little booklet is easy to read and it doesn't matter if you are brand new to prayer or a seasoned prayer warrior, we feel this will be a blessing to your life.

This comes in a packet of material so contact us for the suggested offering. 

Friday, May 2, 2008


Hey there everyone !  Just a word about two new places that God has opened up for us on the web.

We have two new interactive blogs where you can both learn and communicate with us.

You can find them linked on this blog [at the bottom] and at our Cross Focus blog.
One is called "My Personal Blog About the World WE Are Living In."   And the other blog is called " Jesus Can Change Your World."

I am so excited about the responses already. It is very nice to know that God has given us a ton of readers.
At my personal blog, "Len's Observation Point", I talk about varied topics; such as politics, religion, family etc.  On " Jesus Can Change Your World", we do more teaching on Bible subjects.  You can leave comments on both blogs and I urge you to do so. I will post the first few comments on each entry.  You can get to "Jesus Can Change Your World" blog by clicking on the title of this posted entry.
Thank you all so much for visiting our sites often and for supporting this ministry. Together, we can and will make a difference in our world for Jesus.  

Friday, April 25, 2008


St. John 18:11 " Then said Jesus unto Peter, put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it ?"

This cup very often points to some kind of suffering. God is in control, even of our suffering. No one likes to suffer. I do not enjoy suffering. I did not wish to be the victim of injustice nor to be apart from my wife and loved ones. I did not wish to hear all of the sad stories of all the broken lives around me.  But God allows the things He allows for a reason; His reason.

God's reasons for allowing suffering in our lives are never for our destruction. Read Romans 8: 18,28.   
When we drink deeply from the cup of God; He is revealed in us and to us. The Glory of God is resident within us and can only be revealed when we come to the end of ourselves.

Sometimes it is as if we must force ourselves to choke down a bitter cup. Why ?  We do it because we believe in the Fathers bigger picture.  You see, your suffering is not your end. Yes, Jesus died on the Cross, but He rose from the dead; thereby making our redemption complete. The suffering is only a part, not the whole. Our completeness is awaiting us on the other side of the storm.

God's purposes for us are always good, no matter where we are today. He has called us to His glory. God has equipped us to rise above any challenge, any struggle, any suffering; and be more like Jesus when we are through to the other side of the storm. Read Romans 8:37.

The purpose of God's intense glory is often to change people &/or circumstances. So, we yield to a cup from our Father. We often do not know the " why", but still we yield to God in the midst of questioning. We echo Jesus words in Gethsemane " Nevertheless, not My will but thine, be done." [ Luke 22: 42].  As Jesus dreaded the coming brief separation from the Father, I too have dreaded my separation from all I know and love. But as I have learned to trust God, He has revealed a little of His glory in my heart and this increases daily. 
We are coming through the storm. We will not die in the storm.

We will drink the cup and although it is bitter; we know that the future God has for us will be filled with His Glory.  Parts of our character may die, but we will experience the resurrection of God's Glory in that area of our lives. The Lord will use the cup to accomplish His purposes and to make us what He desires us to be.

Suffering accomplishes another purpose as well. It often allows us to see some things from the perspective of Christ. If you have never suffered, it is difficult to see things from the perspective of those who do suffer. Jesus bore intense pain and only when I bear intense pain can I even begin to understand something of His thoughts and Love.  Sometimes, I have prayed and told Christ that I couldn't stand much more. He spoke to my heart and said " I know how you feel, I've been there too."  Then I realized that in my suffering I could identify with Jesus in a way I had never known before.  Jesus and I are brothers in suffering and now I can see some things from His perspective.

Times of trial and suffering are never pleasant but God's purpose can & will be accomplished as we learn to respond correctly to the cup that the Father gives us to drink.  We must never lose sight of Christ and Him Crucified. Our victory is through the Cross.

This was originally a partner letter that I wrote during a very difficult time in my life.
Angie and I had suffered betrayal at the hands of people that we cared alot about. It is our prayer that if you are in the midst of any kind of suffering today, that this message will encourage you.  We love you. 

Monday, April 21, 2008


One of the most difficult and trying things about going through severe testings and trials are those moments when God is silent.
He is always there, for that is His promise, but sometimes we cannot feel His presence or hear His voice.
It is during those silent times that we must learn to walk by faith.
Beloved, always remember that God's silence is for His purposes and He is always working on the behalf of His children.
Often we do not know and are not aware of the mighty and miraculous things that God is doing for us during these silent times.  God's silence does not indicate His absence and God's delays are not denials.   If we allow the Holy Spirit to train our inner-ear, even during the " silent"  times, we can hear the echo of what God has spoken to us before.  This is enough for faith to feed on.   I love you all,  Bro. Len

Thursday, April 17, 2008


 In the upper left hand corner of this Cross Talk blog, you will notice a link that is new. This is our brand new pod-cast of short devotions. We added this in addition to our teaching pod-casts which can be found at our web-site,

If you are a itunes user, you can subscribe to these devotional pod-casts and I encourage you to do so. But you can listen to the devotions with any system.  Many, if not most of these short devotions will be added by telephone. They will probably appear on the player as a date, followed by "phone call"

Thank you to all of you who are visiting our sites. We pray that the material we make available to you will be a blessing in your life. I want to encourage you to tell all of your friends about us and join us often. We love having you; we really do.
                                         In His service,
                                             Rev. Len Paxton

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Confession In Times of Trial

Through my trials and testings I am: 1- going to reaffirm my position in Christ.
2- I will profit from them.
3- My faith will be tested and proven.
4- In times of testing and trial, I will learn what is valuable in my life.
5- My faith will mature.
6- I will be purified by the Lord.
7- My faith throughout the trial will bring glory and honor to God.
8- I will learn to love God even more.
9- I will learn of the faithfulness of God.
10- As a result, my life will become more useful to God.
This confession of faith is based upon 1 Peter 1:3-11

Our Trials

Sometimes it is very difficult to maintain our courage during times of trial. Satan loves to discourage us and to put fear on us. Let none of us imagine that we will have smooth sailing merely because we follow Christ. Trials will come to each believer.God allows us to go through so that we can get to.
We must often go through something in order to get to something.

We grow spiritually as we encounter trials and learn to trust the Lord through them.

Allow me to share some things that I have learned about trials.
1-Trials and hardships can be used by God to build our character and purify our faith. [1Peter 1:3-7]
2-The trials that we go through can be used of God to help us have compassion on others and comfort them in their times of trial. [2 Cor. 1:3-7]
3-If we keep our eyes on Jesus and look for the eternal perspective, trials and tough times are survivable. [2 Cor. 4:7-18]
4- Our trials often cause us to examine ourselves and allows our foundation to be tested. If we are grounded firmly in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can make it through with our faith intact. [ Luke 6:47-49]
5-No matter what we are called upon to go through, no matter how hard or difficult: Jesus is always with us in the storms of life. We are never outside His watchful eye, His caring and compassionate embrace, and His holy, awesome, abiding presence. [Mark 4:35-41] and [ Matt. 28:20b]
6-God gives us hope right at the time when our heart is so very, very troubled. We can have the peace of Jesus in the midst of our greatest trials. [ John 14:1-7]
7- We must endure and persevere through our trials.

Read the following verses of Scripture.
Luke 8:15
James 1:2-4
Hebrews 12: 1-3
2 Timothy 4:7-8

In the times we are living in I believe that trials are going to increase, but so will our peace. Calamity is coming but so is our Lord. Dark days are truly ahead, but so is the finish line. As Christians, we should not fear what lies ahead but we must put our trust in the Lord.

A Thought sent to Me

Righteousness in the Bible is a path. A path is something that we walk
on, something we move along. It suggests motion, change, development.
Some people would like righteousness to be some kind of static
condition. Well I'm saved, here I am, I'm righteous. All I
need to do now is sit in church and sing hymns until the Lord calls me
home. That's a mistake. Any static condition in which you do not
change, progress and develop is not the righteousness of the Bible.

The righteousness of the Bible is a path. And we enter into that path
through an encounter with the Son of Righteousness, the Lord Jesus
Christ. And when He shines into our lives, that's like the first
gleam of dawn. It's the beginning of light. And then, as we move
on in that path, the words are beautiful: "The light shines ever
brighter till the full light of day."

If you are walking in the path of righteousness, today's light
is brighter than yesterday's and tomorrow will be brighter than
today's. So do not settle down and say, "I've
arrived," because that's a mistake, that's a
deception. The path of righteousness leads us always on until we come
into the full light of the noonday sun and to the full and final
revelation of God in eternity.

So if you are on that path, keep moving on, and if you haven't
yet found the path, you need to meet the Son of Righteousness, the Lord Jesus Christ

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Message from Pastor Scott Corbin

The Purpose Driven Life", the seeker-sensitive churches, "The Passion of the Christ",... and the list goes on. Who, especially those in "Christian circles", has not heard of these trends and fads in the church today? They supposedly are new ways to reach the lost, new ways to disciple believers, and great ways to grow the church.
But what message is really being sent out from these modern-day phenomenons?
The message must remain the same. It must be Christ and Him Crucified. It is not to be lost in the loud, contemporary music. Reverence for God is not to be lost in "come as you are" services with catchy themes and illustrated sermons. The message of "one mediator between God and man" must not be coupled with an unscriptural worship of Mary, portrayed across the movie screens of the world with all the hype that Hollywood has to offer.
But that is exactly what is happening today.
I'm sorry to say that many fine Christian people who really love the Lord and desire to do as He commands are being deceived by these very subtle plans of Satan that I have just mentioned. But what is wrong with these things, many would ask. What could possibly be wrong with bringing more people to church, or with giving something to the lost that will get them thinking in spiritual terms and asking questions?
Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment. And as you encounter the next big thing to come into the Church, whether it's a book, a CD, a movie, a doctrine, a program, or whatever, ask yourself the question, "Is Jesus Christ and what He did on the Cross presented as the only answer - that and that alone - to whatever problems man faces, especially the sin problem?" Is sin addressed? Is repentance demanded? Is the Cross upheld as the only way, minus the psychological encounters, the cell groups, and all the other foolishness that is rampant in the church world today?
How many major denominations, including the Baptists, Methodists, Church of God, Assemblies of God, etc., are leading their people into a lie by using the Purpose Driven program (or some derivative of it), or the G12 movement, or something else? How many are embracing whatever the Pope says today so that the lines, in most peoples' eyes, are drawn fainter and fainter between Catholicism and Protestantism?
God help us that we might see, and understand, and stand up for the right, no matter the cost.
Remember, Satan's deception is subtle, and his most dangerous moves are made in the realm of religion.
A message from Pastor Scott Corbin

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Where you go to church is tremendously important. Because there is so much deception today, here are a few things to look for in a church.

1- The church must preach and teach that salvation is by faith in the shed Blood of Jesus Christ upon the Cross. It is a work of grace, not human effort.

2- The church you attend must believe, preach and teach that the Bible is the Inspired Word of Almighty God, from Genesis to Revelation. There is NO ERROR in the Bible.

3- God is eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is known as the Trinity.

4- Your church should preach and teach the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

5- Divine healing is a part of the atonement of Christ.

6- Your church should be missions-minded. Make sure your church believes in and supports missionary projects. I have always believed that every local church ought to be sending funds to at least one missionary in a country of God's leading.

7- Evangelism. The church where you attend ought to be always involved in soul winning.

8- Your church ought to proclaim the IMMINENT return of the LORD JESUS CHRIST...

And of course there are many more things that comprise a good local church. You need to beware of so-called ministers who deny any of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith. They are not ministers of God, but of Satan.


1-The Virgin birth of Christ

2- The Deity of Christ. Jesus Christ IS God and that should be proclaimed at your church.

3-The Blood Atonement

4- The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

5- Christ's miracle-working power today.

6- The Imminent return of Jesus Christ.

7- The inspired Word of God.

8- Everlasting life for the saved and everlasting punishment of the unsaved.

Protect yourself from deception in these last days. You should know what the Bible teaches and where you go to church is very important. The preachers and teachers you listen to are very important.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Recently this question came in to the ministry. Let me say that I believe that ALL children are saved until they reach the age of accountability, at which time they must choose to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

The age of accountability will vary according to each child. There is not a set age. Again, that depends on each child and we must leave these things with the Lord. It is important that parents, at an early age begin to teach their children the truths of God. Teach them about salvation by the blood of Jesus from the time they are born.

Some teach that only the children of the saved will go in the rapture but I believe that to be false. The Word of God tells us that small children are favored of the Lord. When David's child died, the king said he could not bring the infant back but would one day go to where the child was [2 Samuel 12:23].

Jesus said that children have angels who behold the face of God [Matt. 18:10].

So, to give a very brief answer, I believe that ALL children below the age of accountability are saved and will go in the rapture.


The new catch phrase in the church today is to be "seeker-sensitive". In a nutshell, churches have a brief praise and worship service, and then the people sit and listen to some kind of teaching for about 20 minutes. Then they are dismissed. The so-called leaders of this movement make it very clear that you are not to call anyone a sinner, never preach about sin, and you are not to sing songs about the blood of Jesus. These things might "offend" the seeker.

In these new modern so-called churches, the first time anyone preaches against sin, confronts evil, experiences a strong move of the Holy Spirit, or in any way deviates from the normal routine, these "seekers" will seek something and somewhere else because their sensitivities have been offended.

Was Elijah being insensitive when he told old Jezebel that she was going to the dogs? [1 Kings 21:23]
Were the kings of Israel concerned about people's opinion when they destroyed the groves, ran off the sodomites, and tore down the altars of Baal?
Was John the Baptist being insensitive when he called religious hypocrites "a generation of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]?
Was Jesus being a seeker-sensitive leader when He called the same kind of people " whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness" [Matt. 23:27]?
What about Peter when he spoke under a drop dead anointing that fell on people who lied to the Holy Spirit [Acts 5:3-10]?
Did Paul teach us to become seeker-sensitive when he advised turning someone over to Satan [1 Cor. 5:5]?

Lets just face it. None of the above prophets or apostles or even our Lord Himself would be invited to minister in many contemporary churches in America today. The fear of offending a sinner or awakening a lethargic Christian would overwhelm the pastors. Most pastors would choose not to allow such radical statements to be made from their pulpits.

It seems that far too many are more concerned with the seeker than they are with the Holy Spirit. Most have left out God all together. When the true presence of the Holy Spirit is working in the church, strong messages would be received because the Holy Spirit touches the attitude and the heart.

We do not need seeker-sensitive preaching; we need Holy Spirit sensitive and anointed preaching. This would produce conviction and conviction leads to repentance.. That is what is needed.We need to love people with an intense love that will not compromise the truth and the anointing.

The message can be strong, firm, and, at times, rebuking. However, with the compassion of Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, it will be effective. We need the Holy Spirit working among us to change the hearts and lives of people.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Once again, here are some incomplete sermon notes for a series of messages that I gave in 2006 while in a very rough place. A great many of these notes were derived from material by Pastor Dave Williams from Lansing, Michigan.


15 Things to do if you miss the Rapture or if persecution in America gets bad before the rapture.

1 - DO NOT believe the explanations given by the media.
2 - DO NOT commit suicide.
3 - Immediately repent & get right with God.
4 - Collect all the Bibles that you can.
5 - Leave your home because the Government will know your address.
Go to the country . Get far away from cities.
6 - Pray to God for strength & Guidance.
7 - DO NOT join the world church.
8 - Get a small radio & a supply of batteries to last at least 7 yrs.
9 - Share this message.
10- DOT NOT, under any circumstances, align with the one world leader.
11- DO NOT take a mark, a name, or a number on your hand or forehead.
12- Don’t steal, do not commit any sexual sin, DO NOT murder, & don’t
use drugs. Read REV 9:21 + There may not be time to repent.
13- Pray for Israel & The Jewish people.
14- Be prepared to suffer immeasurably if you are apprehended & have
missed the rapture.
15- Listen to your radio & mark the day the world leader moves His Image
into the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. After that you will have 1290 days
to survive. According to Daniel 12. If you are caught by the authorities,
do not - I repeat, do not deny Christ. It is better to die & go to heaven
than to deny Christ & spend eternity in hell.

#4 - Collect all the Bibles that you can - Keep Bibles in several safe places. SATAN ALWAYS seeks to destroy Bibles when totalitarian governments take over. Give your extra copies to friends who can be trusted, to keep them safe for you But Beware - Betrayal will be common. There will be truce breakers & people will betray friends & family. Use Discernment.

All these things we are discussing may also occur if the church is forced underground in America before the time of the end.

Christians be alert & prepared.


15 Things to do if you miss the Rapture

#1 - DO NOT believe the explanation's given by the Media.

AntiChrist forces will control the media & offer Plausible explanations. One man, speaking to a group of Prominent leaders in Detroit, MI, said that the only way “New Age doctrine” can be fully implemented is if evangelical Christians are “reprogrammed” in New Age Philosophies. {I personally know a woman who once threatened to have her own daughter kidnapped and reprogrammed into new age teaching. Much of the world of psychology wants this also.}
This man said that christians have to be “indoctrinated”, so that new age Philosophies can fully emerge. Some people will say that flying saucers took the Christians away.

After Christians are indoctrinated they will be brought back. He said this process will take about 7 years. This is doctrines of devils!!

No, we have not been taken to some New Age inner - planetary, cosmic reprogramming center. After the Rapture - all of us true Christians are in Heaven enjoying the presence of Jesus!


Whenever there is mass societal confusion & disorder, people have a tendency to believe that suicide is the solution. Don’t do it. There is still hope for you. You can still come to Jesus.

#3 Repent immediately & get right with God.

#4 Collect all the Bibles you can (see earlier note)

#5 Leave your home because the Government will know your address. Go to the country. Get far away from cities. This will not be easy because you will be tempted to wait & see what happens. If you take that approach, it will be too late. It will be a fatal mistake. Get away into the woods & learn to live off the Land. Begin saving as much money as you can to take with you. If you stay, your possessions will be confiscated & your life will be in danger.

page 2 of 12/1/05

#6 Pray to God for strength & guidance.


After the rapture those clergymen left behind will join together. They will come under the leadership of the False Prophet. [ REV 13 & 14] All true ministers will have gone in the rapture. Don’t join the World Church even if you see apparent miracles. They will be lying signs & wonders.

If you come home & find your loved ones gone & you realize the Rapture has taken place - do not go to a minister for guidance. He will be a false prophet.

#8 Get a small radio & a supply of batteries to last at least 7 yrs.

This will help you know what is happening in the world as you are in your secluded place away from the city. There will be overwhelming Demonic activity in cities.

By comparing the News reports with what you read in the Bible, you will know where you are in the time frame of the tribulation.

#9 Share this message.

Avoid allowing it to be traced. Meet carefully & cautiously with other new believers because if you reveal yourself to a betrayer, it would be a fatal mistake.


15 Things to do if you miss the Rapture cont...

#10 - DO NOT, under any circumstance align yourself with the one world leader. This man ( The Antichrist) may seem to be a Charismatic & adorable individual, but if you listen to his lies, you will be drawn into his delusion. Remember, he will be a master manipulator. He will promise peace & prosperity & good times but these are false promises.

#11 - DO NOT TAKE a Mark, a name, or a number on your hand or forehead. Eternal damnation will be yours. Rev. Ch. 13 & Ch. 14.

Even now there are plans for a cash - free society. DO NOT take a computer chip under your skin. Even if it means you can’t buy or sell.

#12 See previous note

#13 - PRAY FOR ISRAEL & The Jewish people.

#14 Be prepared to suffer immeasurably if you miss the rapture. Liquidation facilities will be operating 24 hrs a day. Famines & Pestilence & Natural disasters will be abounding on every hand & they will be terrible.There will be Many, many ways in which people will suffer.

#15 See previous note.


A Word about the end-times:

Deception will be everywhere. Walking reprobates & demonized people will be found on every street, property will be confiscated. There will be imprisonment's, torture, & death camps. During the chinese revolution, peoples eyes were sewn shut because they were caught reading the Bible; The ear drums of Sunday school students were punctured so they could no longer hear the word taught; & over sixty million people, who opposed the godless system of communism were put to death. If you think the communists were ruthless, if you think Hitler was ruthless, you haven’t seen anything yet. There will be betrayal of friends & families as loved ones turn against each other.

Once again, please realize that these are only possible senarios. No one and I repeat, NO ONE knows exactly what is going to happen in the future in every respect. These notes are intended as possible general guidelines and concepts to promote searching the scriptures and discussion as we see our Lords return nearing. Be it understood that I believe in the Pre-Trib rapture of the church. I also however, believe that some things are going to get bad and there will be perilous and difficult times BEFORE the rapture. Also please understand that Jesus gives us total victory in all things; even persecution.


A short time ago, someone posed the following question. " In Isaiah 17 the Bible seems to be predicting the future destruction of Damascus, Syria. Do you believe that is yet future and do you think it may take place before the rapture of the church?

Answer; Yes to both questions.

Even though Damascus has had many battles as well as defeats, it has never been devestated as foretold in Isaiah 17. This is yet future and make no mistake about it, if Syria in any major way attacks or poses a severe threat to Israel, Israel will defend herself and rightfully so. This could very well come into play and BEFORE the rapture.

Please do not make the mistake of so many who seem to think that before things get too bad the Lord will come for us. I do believe that we will be raptured BEFORE the great tribulation, but not neccesarily before all of the prophetic action takes place. For instance, I do not feel that the war of Gog and Magog in EZEKIEL 38 & 39 is the same as the one in REVELATION 19 & 20. They are two different battles altogether. If you read both of them contextually, that will become clear to you.

I believe that EZEKIEL 38 & 39 could take place BEFORE or AT THE SAME TIME AS, the rapture. There is a very real possibility that we will see the battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 in our lifetime. At this time, a Russian-led Arab force will be devestated by Israel, I believe. Actually, the Bible says that God Almighty will defeat them. [Read Ezekiel 38 & 39 closely}

This war of Gog and Magog could very well be started by the turning of Damascus, Syria into a ruinous heap.[Isaiah 17] It is believed that approx. 10,000 terrorists live in Damascus and many believe that Syria is where Saddams weapons of mass destruction are being hidden.[ He really did have wmd's. He simply moved them]

The two facts above stated are enough reason to provoke a preemptive strike by someone against Damascus, Syria. I am not saying that is going to happen, but it is possible.

Also, I personally believe that the reason Gog is referred to again in Revelation chapter 20 is that Gog is a prince spirit, a principality if you will. Please be assured that it is very unlikely that Ezekiel 38 & 39 is the same as the battle of Armageddon. Some people think it is, but I feel that we can prove from scripture it is not. And again, I also believe that the Ezekiel war will be before the rapture and in our lifetime. Of course, no one knows for sure.

We must always be prepared for the coming of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Look-up and be watchful..

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dream On


God gives dreams to His people

D.- Desire given by God
R-. Right
E.- Enthusiasm
A.- aspiration
M.- Mountain-Moving

Psalm 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of Thine heart. “

When we are delighting ourselves in the Lord Jesus Christ; He is going to place certain desires upon our heart. He is going to Imprint His dream for our lives upon our heart in the form of desires.

God always gives us dreams for high achievement. When God gives you a dream you must believe it can come true.

God is pleased with people who attempt the impossible. There is no such thing as an impossible dream with God. See Luke 18:27 Jesus said “I will be with you” & that is our guarantee of success.

If you believe something is impossible, the devil will come to you & show you all the reasons why you are right. He will give you all the logical reasons why your dreams are impossible.

But, when you believe that your God-given dream is possible because of Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ upon the Cross, then God will come on the scene & give you ideas on ways of doing it. The choice to believe is yours to make.

Proper Faith in the work of Christ on the Cross is the activator of God’s Power - unbelief is the energizer of the unseen forces of darkness. See Matt 17:20; Luke 17:6 Unbelief is a thief See Matt 13:58

Consider what unbelief does:

1- it keeps you from thinking straight.
2 -it keeps you from getting the right persecutive on things.
3 - it holds back progress in every area of your life.
4 - it drains your strength & vitality.
5 - it prevents God from working in & through your life.

Don’t let unbelief rob you of the success God wants for your life.

Let me quickly add that we are not so much called to be a success; we are called to be faithful.

Put your faith in the Cross and keep it there.

D) Some thought provoking thoughts.

1 - There is a difference between childish & childlike.
2 - The believers whole life is designed to offer up spiritual
sacrifices - the priesthood ministry.

3 - There is a difference between an action of faith & the object of faith
4 - God responds more to our pursuit than to our pain. Who do we pursue in the midst of our pain?

5 - Without Christ, man is free to do what he wants, but he is not
free to want what he ought. Without Christ, man cannot want
the right things.
6 - We need to know who we are in Christ & who we are without
Him - both.
7 - Never discuss a problem with someone incapable of solving
8 - Some times the very thing that tries us - qualifies us.
9 - There are 2 kinds of people: Those who succeed &
Those who resent them for it.

Partial notes from TV message-"Authority through Wounds

Again, these notes are incomplete but for those of you that saw the telecast, this will serve as a refresher. From time to time, I will add more material on this subject. Hey guys, thanks for watching!!!

We Gain spiritual Authority through wounds. Through much tribulation we enter in to the kingdom of God.
Acts 14:22 says," Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."

Lets consider the word “Persevere”. Its meaning is rooted in the the “severe”. It implies that there are times when we will not reach our spiritual goals unless we are stretched in ways others call severe or extreme. Instead of one mile, we go two. We contend for the Faith. We wrestle principalities & powers. We are not wimps; we don’t give up. We are soldiers who endure hardship & persevere. Even if we are knocked down, defeat is not final: we rise to fight another day. Surrender is not an option. Our success comes from our faith in what Jesus did at the cross.

Underlying all our other virtues there needs to exist in us an inherent perseverance of spirit, The enemy’s goal is to get you to give up. We must arise to war, get our grit back & persevere & never, ever give up. This goes for whatever challenges you may face. Weight loss, quit smoking, alcohol, whatever challenge you are facing... persevere.

You will be stretched, but keep looking to Jesus. Persevere,

The stretch & the battle actually makes room for you to walk in greater authority.

While others are reading the promises; we are called to possess them. Matt 11:12, Heb 6:12, Acts 14:22, Rev 3:21

God often gives a special grace during times of spiritual weariness and extended battle. This fresh anointing of special grace provide insight in discerning the warfare coming against us & imparts new vigor & authority in overcoming the demonic attacks.


A word about the “new hour”

The redemption of the Cross, the shedding of the blood of Jesus, brought in a new hour. Time was finished & eternity had begun for every soul that was covered with the blood. Until that hour all people lived only to die. but the moment the sacrifice was made, it was not the end; only the beginning. Time was finished & eternity had begun.

The soul that was covered by the blood moved from a natural to an eternal union with the Lord. Then the commandment, “Thou shalt not”, which had so worried & troubled the people & brought them into such dissatisfaction because they could not keep the Law, was changed into a new commandment. It was no more “thou shalt not”, but. “I delight to do thy will, O God.” (Ps 40:8)

“In Adam all die” (1 Cor 15:22). but now “the hour has come” (Mark 14:41) “In Christ all shall be made alive” (1 Cor 15:22)

Instead of death will be divine life in all of its fullness. Jesus Christ has done so much for us. We must ever keep our Faith placed in what He did at the Cross.

Incomplete sermon notes on the jezebel spirit


Here are a few sermon notes that I made for a teaching series in 2005. Rather than putting the entire message here, I thought you may just want to glance at the high points.

The Spirit of Jezebel

1) The Jezebel spirit is manipulative and usually gains its dominion by making political alliances, often in a seemingly submissive and demeaning manner. This spirit tries to make friends in high places & seems to work for good while trying to build up problems that don’t really exist. Once the Jezebel spirit gains authority it manifests a strong control spirit & shameless presumption. They presume to know what the cause is of everything.

2) Jezebel “calls herself a prophetess” (Rev 2:20) Jezebel is preoccupied with their own recognition. People under the influence of this spirit want to be seen, heard, & known. Look up St. John 7:18
3) The spirit of Jezebel is a form of the religious spirit. Usually it is a religion of “self”. Self-righteousness & self-help philosophies. Any effort of religion not founded on the cross of Christ is of the devil.
A) The prophetic ministry is the primary vehicle through which the Lord gives timely, strategic direction to his people, Jezebel knows that removing the true prophets will make the people vulnerable to her false prophets, which always leads to idolatry & spiritual adultery.
B) A primary strategy of the Jezebel spirit is to get people devoted to sacrifice in a way that perverts the command for us to take up our crosses daily. This perversion will have people putting more faith in “their” sacrifices than in the Lords sacrifice.

C) There is a “self-help” psychology movement that is attempting to replace the power of the cross in the church. This is an enemy of the cross. (read Col. 2:6-8)

D) When we add to the cross - we dilute the power of the cross. If you have a glass of soda 1/2 full & you add water to it - you dilute the soda.

The Jezebel spirit seeks to replace the Holy Spirit as the source of spiritual life.

These notes are incomplete but from time to time I will add more on this particular topic.

Some Old Sermon Notes



1. The Law of Moses / God- - Rom 7:22
2. The Law of Desire & Willpower-- Rom 7:23
3. The Law of Sin & Death-- Rom 7:23, Rom 8:2
4. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus-- Rom 8:2

The law of God / Moses is the Moral Law. It leads to sin & death because no one can perfectly keep it yet it is Holy, just, & good. Rom 7:12

This Law is the standard of Gods expectations. It was fully kept & fulfilled by Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the Cross; He redeemed us from the curse of the law.[ Gal 3:13] When we place our faith in what Jesus did at the cross, we live in the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. We are thus redeemed from the curse & free from the law of sin & death.

The believer trying to keep the law of God / Moses by the law of desires & willpower, will actually amplify sin & death. [Rom 7:7, Rom 7:8, Rom 7:9, Rom 7:10-11]. The believer trying to live for God in the Flesh (self-efforts) will actually be operating in the law of sin & death - trapped in a never -ending cycle of failure.

God will give us the desires of / in our heart. He will place desires in us. That does have Power. But we obtain & live those God-given desires only by Faith in what Jesus did at the Cross.

Thus - The law of Moses / God has power to show man what sin is. The Law of Sin & Death is more powerful than the Law of desires & willpower alone. But the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is more powerful than the law of sin & death.

The Law of desire & willpower is the trigger we pull, but the “gun” must be loaded with the explosive power of the Cross in order to have effect. We must develop the right desires but only Faith in what Jesus did at the Cross can bring about the Godly desires. We must “will” to do right & live For God - but we can only actually do the living for God by faith in what Jesus already did at the Cross. Example - we must desire victory & will to be good Christians. We then must place our faith, trust, & confidence solely in Jesus sacrifice upon the cross & His resurrection, to enable us to have power to do right. Then God will continually give us desires; such as giving, loving, bible reading, prayer, etc... in our hearts.

the original desire & will came by faith also. Faith comes by hearing Gods word. Rom 10:17

We heard, we believed, we then had a desire & will to do what we heard & believed. To actually do it requires Faith in what Jesus did at the Cross.

He did - so we can - do.

These are incomplete notes.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yes, this is really me when I was 6 or 7. I never dreamed all the places that God was going to take my life. I am just so very thankful that I received Christ and made Him Lord of my life.

I like to say "Received" Christ as opposed to "accepted" Christ because I always figured that He wasn't really looking for any acceptance from me. I, on the other hand, was praying that He would accept me and one day I found out that He would if I would come to Him by way of the Cross. In Ephesians 1:6, God tells us that He has made us accepted in the beloved. Christ is the beloved and as we are in Him by faith in what He did for us at Calvary, we then are accepted by God. I was so happy when I found that out.

My relationship with God doesn't depend on anything that I have done, good or bad, except for one thing: my relationship with
God depends on what I have done about receiving what Jesus Christ did for me at the Cross.
Jesus died on that cruel Cross as my substitute. Meaning that He paid for all of my sins on the Cross; past, present, and future sins.

You see, He paid a debt that He[Jesus] did not owe. It was my debt. It was Your debt. We are the ones who sinned against God. Jesus never sinned. Because He paid my sin debt, I am free from the guilt and shame that sin produces in our lives. Hallelujah!!

If left up to me, I never could afford the payment for my own sins so the alternative would be to spend eternity in hell, seperated from a Holy God. Oh, how I love Jesus for going to that Cross!!!

And, if that weren't enough, once I gave my heart to Christ by faith in what He did at Calvary; the Holy Spirit began to, little by little conform me into the very image of Christ; the beloved. Wow! Always remember this; God loves us just the way we are and He loves us too much to leave us the way we are. God never leaves us like He found us. The Holy Spirit is constantly desiring to make us more like Jesus. As we yield ourselves to the Lord, we become His servants of obedience unto righteousness. [Rom 6: 16].
So, when we obey from the heart that form of doctrine [the message of the Cross] then, and only then can we be made free from sin on an everyday basis in our life and living for God. [Rom 6:17-18]

Now then we see that Jesus Christ not only paid our sin debt on the Cross, but He broke the powerful grip that sin had on us as well. Now we can be free. All by faith in the finished work of Christ upon the Cross.
The Cross is where we must place and keep our faith.


Ephesians 2:10 tells us "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them"

This verse taken in context, tells us that we are justified, sanctified, and saved by the finished work of Christ upon the Cross.
When we receive what Christ did for us at Calvary, we become "born-again". Every born-again believer is the very workmanship of Christ.
When our faith is properly placed in the Cross then we are assured of the help of the Holy Spirit as He conforms us into the image of Jesus.

We are told in this verse that we should walk in good works. Good works do not produce faith. But, proper faith will always produce proper works. So, the believer, walking in good works birthed of the Holy Spirit in the believers heart, is proof of that believers properly placed faith in the finished work of Christ upon the Cross. [See James 2: 14-26]

I heard Jimmy Swaggart put it this way, "My faith properly placed in the finished work of Christ upon the Cross will result in the help of the Holy Spirit in my life. Proper faith will produce proper works but proper works will never produce proper faith."

Romans 8:29 tells us that every believer is predestinated to be conformed into the image of Christ. This can only be done by the Holy Spirit working in our lives.

Good works, acceptable to God, will flow from our hearts and lives, when we place our faith in Jesus sacrifice on the Cross.

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We Love You in Jesus....