Talking together about what Jesus Christ did for us at the Cross of Calvary. We have so much more than religion, we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and His death upon the Cross; to save us from our sins.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

D) Some thought provoking thoughts.

1 - There is a difference between childish & childlike.
2 - The believers whole life is designed to offer up spiritual
sacrifices - the priesthood ministry.

3 - There is a difference between an action of faith & the object of faith
4 - God responds more to our pursuit than to our pain. Who do we pursue in the midst of our pain?

5 - Without Christ, man is free to do what he wants, but he is not
free to want what he ought. Without Christ, man cannot want
the right things.
6 - We need to know who we are in Christ & who we are without
Him - both.
7 - Never discuss a problem with someone incapable of solving
8 - Some times the very thing that tries us - qualifies us.
9 - There are 2 kinds of people: Those who succeed &
Those who resent them for it.

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