Talking together about what Jesus Christ did for us at the Cross of Calvary. We have so much more than religion, we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and His death upon the Cross; to save us from our sins.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Old Sermon Notes



1. The Law of Moses / God- - Rom 7:22
2. The Law of Desire & Willpower-- Rom 7:23
3. The Law of Sin & Death-- Rom 7:23, Rom 8:2
4. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus-- Rom 8:2

The law of God / Moses is the Moral Law. It leads to sin & death because no one can perfectly keep it yet it is Holy, just, & good. Rom 7:12

This Law is the standard of Gods expectations. It was fully kept & fulfilled by Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the Cross; He redeemed us from the curse of the law.[ Gal 3:13] When we place our faith in what Jesus did at the cross, we live in the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. We are thus redeemed from the curse & free from the law of sin & death.

The believer trying to keep the law of God / Moses by the law of desires & willpower, will actually amplify sin & death. [Rom 7:7, Rom 7:8, Rom 7:9, Rom 7:10-11]. The believer trying to live for God in the Flesh (self-efforts) will actually be operating in the law of sin & death - trapped in a never -ending cycle of failure.

God will give us the desires of / in our heart. He will place desires in us. That does have Power. But we obtain & live those God-given desires only by Faith in what Jesus did at the Cross.

Thus - The law of Moses / God has power to show man what sin is. The Law of Sin & Death is more powerful than the Law of desires & willpower alone. But the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is more powerful than the law of sin & death.

The Law of desire & willpower is the trigger we pull, but the “gun” must be loaded with the explosive power of the Cross in order to have effect. We must develop the right desires but only Faith in what Jesus did at the Cross can bring about the Godly desires. We must “will” to do right & live For God - but we can only actually do the living for God by faith in what Jesus already did at the Cross. Example - we must desire victory & will to be good Christians. We then must place our faith, trust, & confidence solely in Jesus sacrifice upon the cross & His resurrection, to enable us to have power to do right. Then God will continually give us desires; such as giving, loving, bible reading, prayer, etc... in our hearts.

the original desire & will came by faith also. Faith comes by hearing Gods word. Rom 10:17

We heard, we believed, we then had a desire & will to do what we heard & believed. To actually do it requires Faith in what Jesus did at the Cross.

He did - so we can - do.

These are incomplete notes.

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