Talking together about what Jesus Christ did for us at the Cross of Calvary. We have so much more than religion, we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and His death upon the Cross; to save us from our sins.

Monday, April 21, 2008


One of the most difficult and trying things about going through severe testings and trials are those moments when God is silent.
He is always there, for that is His promise, but sometimes we cannot feel His presence or hear His voice.
It is during those silent times that we must learn to walk by faith.
Beloved, always remember that God's silence is for His purposes and He is always working on the behalf of His children.
Often we do not know and are not aware of the mighty and miraculous things that God is doing for us during these silent times.  God's silence does not indicate His absence and God's delays are not denials.   If we allow the Holy Spirit to train our inner-ear, even during the " silent"  times, we can hear the echo of what God has spoken to us before.  This is enough for faith to feed on.   I love you all,  Bro. Len

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